WOD: From Littleton

3 Rounds:
10 Burpees2Lateral Jump (24")
12 KB Snatch (45lb)


3 Rounds:
10 Back Squats (135lb)
12 Deadlift (135lb)
(use same bar)

Post Total Time

Scale as appropriate for you

*NOTES: Do all 3 rounds of the first Couplet before moving to the next couplet.
-Burpee 2 Lateral Jump means do a burpee and then jump sideways OVER a 24" box/bench/whatever
-KB Snatch is one-arm, choose any arm and switch whenever you want..do all 36 on one arm if you want
-Squats and Deadlift - Use the same bar..don't care if you always start off the ground or rack it for back squats and then drop it to do the deads.
Wendler Week 3/Day 1:
5 Reps @ 75% max (170lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (195lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (220lb)

Accessory: Front Squat 5 X 5 @ 135lb (last two sets AMRAP)

WOD: (from Littleton)
Hang Power Clean (135/88)
Double Under’s

Scale 1:

Scale 2:
DU Attempts

I will definitely be doing Scale 1
The goal today is to find your Max for a series of exercises.  You may not be 100% today, and your later exercises may not get to your full max cuz you are tired...but that is okay!  You are not setting World Records here..just giving yourself a baseline.

The purpose is three-fold.  First, it is nice to do a max effort day every once in a while so you feel manly (or womanly!).  Second, many workouts focus on using, for example, 65% of your max...so you should probably know what your max is.  Third, it is important to see and understand your progress so either this Max day is giving you a starting point, or it is letting you know how far you've come.

Find your 1 Rep MAX for each of the following:
Bench Press
Pull Up (max reps)
Front Squat
Standing Overhead Press
Back Squat
Push Press

**Do this is any order, I put what is making sense to me.  Also, warmup as needed, rest as needed, and take as many sets as needed...for example, rep pull ups will likely be over after my first set whereas I probably won't feel safe doing my max squat without a few sets to work up to it but don't burn yourself out warming up.  IT DOES YOU NO GOOD TO CHEAT ON YOUR MAX REP SET, keep good form, your number is your number, cheating a rep will not change that.  Count it if it was awful but don't count it if it was not the movement.

Personally, I will be using this as a baseline for a "Strength Cycle".  I have come to the conclusion that my major holdback in my training is that I am not strong enough.  Think about how much easier a WOD with 12 reps of 115lb push press becomes when your max push press goes from 125lb to 145lb (or even 135lb).  Long story short, I will be using the Wendler 5-3-1 model (awesome link to it).  I will likely be doing these heavy "core" lifts 4 days a week and then supplementing them with crossfit workouts, probably shorter ones than usual, so I don't lose my cardio capacity. 
Really liked this Littleton WOD below.
Also, keep in mind, if i've learned anything from CrossFit gyms that I like it, a full 'workout' shouldn't just be a WOD.  You should Warm up, work on a skill or lift heavy, and then WOD (or something like that). You should always be working on something, trying to get better outside the WOD so that in the future you are better.  Don't worry about 'using up your strength' so you do poorly on the WOD, who cares what your score actually is, or frankly how much time/reps you 'lost' by working on things before it.  Just try not to burn out what you are using in the WOD (ex. don't do hand stand push ups before the WOD has push press in it).  Anywho, sometimes I post a little skill/weight work as a reminder but I leave it up to you to attack your weaknesses on a daily basis.

Skill Work
Back Squat 3x12 (work on form)
Front Squat 3x5 (work on strength)

“Crushing Helen”
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
100 yard Sprint
8 KB Swings – (70lb/20kg)
5 Plyo Push Ups

*Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the ground, perform an explosive push ups that allows you to transition the hand on the ground to the hand on the plate and vice versa.
*100 yd sprint - don't be afraid to go into a room, like I will, that is only 20 yds and do 5 back-and-forth

Scale 1:

Scale 2:
Knee Plyo Push-Ups